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Topic: Eternal Perspective

Eternal Perspective is the biblical worldview of living with an awareness of the eternal significance of our lives and decisions, rather than being solely focused on temporary, earthly concerns.

More on: Eternal Perspective

The concept of 'Eternal Perspective' is a central theme across the podcast episodes, where the hosts and guests emphasize the importance of viewing life through the lens of eternity rather than getting consumed by temporary earthly concerns.

Several episodes, such as The Biblical Approach To Trump's Criminal Trial, Stay Encouraged. Stay Engaged, and Hope In Man. Hope In America, highlight the need to maintain an eternal mindset that transcends the immediate circumstances and focuses on God's eternal plan and the glory that awaits believers in the afterlife.

The episodes also provide practical guidance on how to cultivate an eternal perspective, such as through scripture meditation, prayer, serving others, and making decisions that have eternal significance rather than temporary rewards.

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