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Topic: Ethics in Business

Ethics in Business explores how businesses navigate moral and ethical considerations in their practices, decision-making, and impact on society.

More on: Ethics in Business

The topic of 'Ethics in Business' is central to several of the podcast episodes provided, as they explore various ethical dilemmas and controversies that arise in the business sphere.

For example, the episode 'Is Barron Trump EMBROILED in $300 MILLION CRPYTO SCAM?!!' raises questions about the potential unethical involvement of the Trump family in a cryptocurrency scheme. The 'The Enron Scandal Pt. 2' episode delves into the ethical lapses that led to the Enron scandal, while 'SYMHC Classics: James G. Fair' examines the questionable business practices of a wealthy 19th-century industrialist.

Other episodes, such as 'Chocolate, Lyft's typo and India's election bonds' and 'John Skrentny on How the Economy Mistreats STEM Workers', touch on broader issues of corporate transparency, worker exploitation, and the ethics of certain business models and practices.

Taken together, these episodes highlight the importance of framing business decisions through an ethical lens, prioritizing principles over short-term profits, and upholding a sense of social responsibility in the corporate world.

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