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Topic: European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights is an international court that rules on human rights violations in the countries that have signed the European Convention on Human Rights.

More on: European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) plays a central role in the podcast episodes, which discuss the court's landmark rulings and their impact on climate activism, human rights, and government accountability.

Several episodes highlight the ECHR's decision in the Klima Seniorinnen case, where a group of Swiss elderly women successfully sued their government for inadequate climate change policies, setting a precedent for climate protection as a human right across Europe. Why the Klimaseniorinnen case matters for the whole of Europe and How Swiss women won a landmark climate case for Europe delve into the details and significance of this ruling.

Other episodes, such as The European Convention on Human Rights is working and The Intelligence: Britain's latest bad idea, explore the broader role of the ECHR in protecting human rights and the potential implications of the UK government's proposed reforms to withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights.

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