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Topic: Everyday life

Everyday life encompasses the commonplace experiences, routines, and details that make up the fabric of our daily existence.

More on: Everyday life

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of everyday life, from the mundane details to the more profound ways in which the ordinary intersects with culture, identity, and personal growth.

Episodes like EP1: The beginning... from the 'Life with Nat' podcast delve into the host's candid discussions of food, weight, and societal pressures, resonating with listeners through their relatable and personal anecdotes. Similarly, the 'Giggly Squad' podcast episode Giggling about scams, code words, and poofs touches on the humorous and lighthearted moments of daily life, such as hair and fashion.

Other episodes, like Life is hard. Art helps | Liana Finck from the TED Talks Daily podcast, explore how creative self-expression can help make sense of the complexities and absurdities of everyday existence. And the interview with Kirstin Munro on the 'New Books in Environmental Studies' podcast, Kirstin Munro, "The Production of Everyday Life in Eco-Conscious Households" (Bristol UP, 2023), examines how sustainability efforts and environmental values intersect with the routines and practices of daily household life.

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