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Topic: Executive compensation

Executive compensation refers to the salaries, bonuses, and other forms of remuneration paid to top-level corporate executives and leaders.

More on: Executive compensation

The podcast episodes cover various aspects of executive compensation, particularly the controversy surrounding Elon Musk's multi-billion dollar pay package at Tesla.

Several episodes discuss the justification and fairness of such large compensation deals, the impact on shareholder value, and the potential conflicts of interest and governance issues that arise when executives are so heavily compensated. Examples include Elon Musk: Is he worth history's biggest pay deal?, Why Elon Musk's $50 billion payday scandal matters, and Prof G Markets: Paramount's Suitors, Nepo Babies on the LVMH Board, and Elon's Voided Pay Plan.

Other episodes explore broader topics related to executive compensation, such as aligning incentives with sustainability goals, the role of corporate boards, and the potential for excessive pay to contribute to income inequality. Examples include Ahead of the Curve, with SYSTEMIQ: Reducing the Cost of Capital (Part II) and Can breaking the law be good for business?

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