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Topic: Eyewitness testimony

Eyewitness testimony is the recollection and reporting of an event by a person who directly observed it, and its reliability and accuracy can be influenced by various psychological factors.

More on: Eyewitness testimony

The podcast episodes provided demonstrate the unreliability and limitations of eyewitness testimony, particularly in legal contexts. Several episodes, such as 1002: Charan Ranganath | The Mysteries of Memory and Why We Remember, 'Stealing The Past': A Spat Between Twins Leads To A Theory Of Disputed Memories, and Are Your Memories Real?, delve into the science of memory and how it can be malleable, leading to false memories and inconsistent accounts.

Other episodes, like S4. Case 4: The Hairy Man and S3. Case 5: Double Trouble, highlight the challenges of assessing the credibility of eyewitness testimony in paranormal or extraordinary circumstances. Several true crime cases, such as 213. The Murder of Marion Gilchrist, Murder in Marlborough Sounds, and The Carnival, also demonstrate how eyewitness accounts can be flawed or contradictory, leading to potential miscarriages of justice.

Overall, the podcast episodes emphasize the need to view eyewitness testimony with a critical lens and to consider the various factors that can influence the reliability and accuracy of such accounts.

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