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Topic: False memories

False memories are subjectively real recollections of events that did not actually occur.

More on: False memories

The podcast episodes explore the phenomenon of false memories, highlighting how memories are not static records but rather actively reconstructed with each recollection, and can be influenced, manipulated, or even implanted through various means.

The episodes discuss research demonstrating how false memories can spread through communities as a form of "social contagion" Charan Ranganath | The Mysteries of Memory and Why We Remember, and how leading questions, suggestive techniques, and even doctored photos can create entirely fictitious memories Are Your Memories Real?.

The episodes emphasize the malleable and unreliable nature of human memory, with examples of cases like the Ingram family where alleged satanic abuse memories may have been implanted through coercive interrogation tactics #212: The Police Sex Cult That Sacrificed 25 Babies During Rituals.

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