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Topic: Farm bill

The farm bill is a comprehensive piece of legislation that shapes the entire U.S. food system, from agriculture to nutrition programs.

More on: Farm bill

The farm bill is a crucial piece of legislation that has a significant impact on the U.S. food and agriculture system. It is discussed in both podcast episodes, as it plays a central role in shaping policies related to sustainable agriculture, food security, and the overall health of the food system.

In Ep. 146: Progress Toward a Healthy Food System, the importance of the upcoming farm bill in shaping a sustainable and just food system is highlighted, as it discusses the bill's potential to address challenges faced by agriculture due to climate change, including the need for stronger protections for farmworkers.

Similarly, in Ep. 30: The Evidence Is In: SNAP Works, the farm bill is discussed as it includes the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) as part of its nutrition title, which is a crucial program in addressing food insecurity.

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