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Topic: Fashion industry challenges

The fashion industry faces a range of challenges, including pricing pressures, wholesale disruptions, and difficulties for new brands to establish themselves in the current landscape.

More on: Fashion industry challenges

The podcast episodes discuss various challenges facing the fashion industry, including the struggles of major luxury brands, the disruptive impact of fast fashion players, the need to address sustainability concerns, and the difficulty in creating trends and commercially successful products.

For example, the episode 'Rapid Response: Why the fashion industry needs a makeover, with Imran Amed' highlights the sudden inflection point in the fashion world, with big luxury players struggling, e-commerce markets floundering, and ultra-fast players like Shein disrupting the industry. The episode also discusses the need for the industry to address sustainability concerns.

Another episode, 'Paris Fashion Afterparties & Designer Musical Chairs', delves into the pricing and wholesale challenges facing the industry, as well as the difficulty for new brands to establish themselves in the current landscape.

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