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Topic: Feminism and women's empowerment

Feminism and women's empowerment explores how dismantling patriarchal narratives and socialization is crucial for women's personal and financial independence.

More on: Feminism and women's empowerment

The podcast episodes explore feminism and women's empowerment through various lenses, including personal growth, historical contexts, and the complexities of the pageant industry.

The discussions examine how patriarchal socialization shapes women's mindsets, particularly around money, self-worth, and external validation, and the importance of self-validation and self-compassion in personal development.

The episodes also touch on the challenges faced by women who defy traditional gender roles and societal norms, as seen in the story of Anne-Marie-Louise d'Orléans, and the controversies and allegations surrounding the Miss Universe pageant, which claims to empower women but has been accused of exploitation and misogyny.

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