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Topic: Feminist activism

Feminist activism is the collective effort to challenge and transform patriarchal structures, norms, and systems in pursuit of gender equality and social justice.

More on: Feminist activism

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics related to feminist activism, including efforts to combat 'facade feminism' and the backlash against women's rights, the historical role of feminist activists in resisting the normalization of pedophilia, and the urgent need for global solidarity to end 'gender apartheid' in places like Afghanistan and Iran.

The episodes highlight how feminist activists and scholars are sharing personal experiences, strategies, and debates around challenging patriarchy, achieving social justice, and integrating self-care and well-being into their work.

By centering the voices and perspectives of diverse feminist activists, the episodes demonstrate the crucial role of grassroots movements in driving transformative change at the personal, organizational, and societal levels.

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