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Topic: Feminist Principles

Feminist Principles emphasize gender equality, dismantling patriarchal structures, and centering intersectional approaches to create more inclusive and equitable systems.

More on: Feminist Principles

The podcast episodes explore how feminist principles can be applied to organizational culture, management approaches, and broader societal transformation, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For example, Episode 19 of "The Gender at Work Podcast" discusses how feminist frameworks emphasizing care, human rights, accountability, intersectionality, and connectivity can serve as an alternative basis for reorganizing society. Similarly, Episode 11 of "Strength & Solidarity" examines how feminist principles, such as gender equality and interrogating patriarchal structures, can influence organizational culture and management in mission-driven organizations.

These episodes highlight the potential of feminist principles to address systemic issues and envision more equitable, inclusive, and resilient systems and structures.

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