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Topic: Fertility rates

Fertility rates refer to the average number of children born per woman in a population, a key demographic indicator.

More on: Fertility rates

The podcast episodes provided cover the topic of fertility rates from various angles, including the potential causes and consequences of declining fertility rates in many developed countries.

Several episodes, such as Is the Right Wing Plan to Outbreed the Left Realistic?, Why Fertility is Collapsing: Shocking Stats with @MoreBirths, and The Biggest Lie Pronatalist Tell (The Hungary Fertility Myth), delve into the demographic and ideological factors that may be driving these trends, as well as potential policy responses.

Other episodes, like The Great Political Fictions: The Handmaid's Tale and Tract 0: Cultural Experimentation is the Key to Saving Our Species, explore the implications of declining fertility rates through the lens of speculative fiction and propose more radical solutions, respectively.

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