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Topic: Financial Crime

Financial crime encompasses a range of illegal activities that involve the misuse or manipulation of financial systems, often for personal gain.

More on: Financial Crime

The podcast episodes provided discuss topics related to financial crime, such as the challenges of working at a fast-growing fintech startup, the dangers of 'money dysmorphia' leading to overspending and debt, and the importance of recognizing the reality behind social media portrayals of wealth.

For instance, the episode Imposter Syndrome as a Super Power with Cable's Natasha Vernier discusses Natasha's expertise in financial crime prevention and compliance, which is a key focus of her company, Cable.

Similarly, the episode Suffering From "Money Dysmorphia?" Heres How To Cure It warns about the risks of committing financial crimes in an effort to maintain appearances and keep up with depictions of wealth on social media.

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