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Topic: Financial incentives

Financial incentives can have significant impacts, both positive and negative, on individual and societal behavior and outcomes.

More on: Financial incentives

The podcast episodes explore how financial incentives can drive behavior and outcomes in a range of contexts, from work and career decisions to sports integrity and medical practices.

For example, the episode Work Is Not Working For Me Anymore discusses how the lack of financial rewards can diminish people's drive to work hard, while the episode The Cost of "Transition," and Detransitioners Fighting Back, with Mary Margaret Olohan and Luka Hein analyzes the potential financial incentives driving medical professionals to perform gender transitions on minors.

Similarly, the episode Part Two: The Bastards of Forensic Science examines how financial incentives and the potential for profit can lead to the promotion of pseudoscientific forensic methods, and the episode How Gambling Scandals Are Rocking Sports Leagues explores the financial incentives motivating sports leagues to partner with gambling companies, despite the potential for integrity issues.

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