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Topic: Financial Responsibility in Relationships

Financial responsibility is a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy relationship, as it can impact trust, communication, and overall well-being.

More on: Financial Responsibility in Relationships

The topic of 'Financial Responsibility in Relationships' is explored in the podcast episodes, with discussions on the importance of open communication, mutual understanding, and prioritizing financial well-being within romantic relationships.

In the episode 'It's Time to Put You First | Golden Hour', the hosts address a listener's concerns about her boyfriend's reluctance to contribute financially, highlighting it as a potential red flag and emphasizing the need to prioritize personal well-being and self-discovery in relationships.

The episode 'Everything You've Been Taught About Money Is WRONG! | Caleb Hammer' delves into the interplay between mental health, trauma, and financial stability, offering practical advice on evidence-based approaches to managing finances as a couple.

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