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Topic: Flat Earth Theory

The Flat Earth theory is the belief that the Earth is a flat, disk-like object rather than a spherical planet.

More on: Flat Earth Theory

The Flat Earth theory is a conspiracy theory that challenges the widely accepted scientific understanding of the Earth's shape. It is mentioned in several of the podcast episodes as an example of a far-fetched or controversial conspiracy theory.

In the episode Free The Rabbits, the host discusses plans to explore the Flat Earth theory and other conspiratorial topics on his upcoming podcast, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and maintaining compassion.

Similarly, in the episode Mysteries of Lightning, the hosts briefly entertain the idea of a "dome" surrounding the Earth, which is a common trope in Flat Earth theories.

The episode Ep 147 - Conspiracy Theories takes a more satirical approach, using the Flat Earth theory as an example of a far-fetched conspiracy theory to illustrate the flawed logic and psychological appeal of such beliefs.

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