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Topic: Flow states

Flow states are deeply immersive, intrinsically motivating experiences where individuals become fully focused and engaged in a challenging activity.

More on: Flow states

The podcast episodes discuss the concept of flow states, which are characterized by a complete absorption in an activity, a distorted sense of time, and a feeling of effortless control.

In Unlocking The SUPERMIND Codes by Billy Carson and 19 Keys, achieving a state of flow or being 'in the zone' is proposed as vital for peak mental performance.

The #181 Dr. Gio Valiante (Part 2): Failure and Success episode highlights flow states as a key characteristic of elite performers, where they become fully immersed in intrinsically motivating activities.

Similarly, the Emilio Diez Barroso -- Bold Capital episode explores the concept of flow and being present, especially in relation to peak performance.

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