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Topic: Food Accessibility

Food accessibility is a key factor in achieving a healthy, sustainable diet, as it encompasses the affordability, availability, and inclusivity of food options for all communities.

More on: Food Accessibility

The topic of food accessibility is directly relevant to the podcast episodes provided, as they both touch on the challenges faced by low-income communities in accessing sustainable and diverse food options.

In the episode "How Your Food Can Fight Climate Change", the discussion acknowledges the difficulties that some communities face in accessing affordable, plant-based and environmentally-friendly food choices, and the need for inclusive policies and initiatives to address this issue.

Similarly, the episode "Priya Krishna Writes The Kids Cookbook She Wished She'd Had" explores the broader theme of representation in the food world, and the importance of making diverse global cuisines feel accessible and 'everyday' rather than overly complicated or exotic, which can be a barrier for some communities.

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