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Topic: Food and Nutrition

Food and nutrition are fundamental aspects of human health and well-being, encompassing the science of how the foods we consume impact our bodies, minds, and overall quality of life.

More on: Food and Nutrition

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of topics related to food and nutrition, from the regulatory actions of the FDA to ban controversial food additives, to the importance of healthy eating habits in self-care and wellness, to the pivotal role of food and nutrition in extreme environments like Antarctic expeditions.

Several episodes, such as Dining at the (Other) Top of the World: Hunger, Fruitcake, and the Race to Reach the South Pole, Dr. Alia Crum: Science of Mindsets for Health & Performance, and "Soy Boys", delve deeply into the complex relationships between food, nutrition, mindsets, and their impacts on physiological responses, performance, and even masculinity.

Other episodes, like The "TikTok Voice" of Our Generation and You Are Meant To Be Here, discuss the influence of social media and personal experiences on food-related beliefs and behaviors.

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