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Topic: Food apartheid

Food apartheid refers to the systemic denial of access to healthy and affordable food in certain communities, often along racial and socioeconomic lines.

More on: Food apartheid

The podcast episodes provided discuss the concept of 'food apartheid' as a more accurate term to describe the lack of food access in certain areas, rather than the misleading term 'food deserts'.

For example, in the episode Food Fight, food justice activist Ray Gomez advocates for using the term 'food apartheid' to highlight the systemic injustices underlying the issue. Similarly, the episode Feeding Detroit explores how the Detroit People's Food Co-op is working to promote food sovereignty and self-reliance in the city's predominantly Black community, which has historically faced challenges in accessing healthy and affordable food.

The topic of food apartheid is also discussed in the context of its intersection with other issues, such as the harmful effects of diet culture and the social determinants of health, as seen in the episode Breaking Up With Diet Culture.

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