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Topic: Forecasting

Forecasting is the process of making predictions about future events, trends, or outcomes based on data, models, and analysis.

More on: Forecasting

The topic of Forecasting is explored in depth across several of the provided podcast episodes, with a focus on different types of forecasting methodologies, data sources, and use cases.

For example, the episode 'We're In For A Brutal Hurricane Season, According To Predictions' discusses how weather forecasters use scientific data and models to predict the intensity and frequency of hurricanes for an entire season. The episode '#188 - Matt Clancy on whether science is good' explores how experts and superforecasters are used to estimate the risks and benefits of accelerating scientific progress.

Other episodes delve into topics like sales forecasting for SaaS companies '20VC: The Metrics That Matter in SaaS Today...' and '20Sales: Why The Founder Has To Be The One To Create The Sales Playbook...', as well as the use of forecasting in fields like environmental studies 'Vincent Ialenti, "Deep Time Reckoning: How Future Thinking Can Help Earth Now".'

Overall, these episodes showcase the wide range of applications and techniques involved in the practice of Forecasting.

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