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Topic: Foreign influence

Foreign influence refers to the efforts of external entities, such as foreign governments or organizations, to sway the policies, institutions, or public opinion of a country in their favor.

More on: Foreign influence

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of foreign influence, including efforts to influence gun policy, national security, political corruption, and environmental and economic policies.

For example, episode Another Take: How to sell a massacre explores how the National Rifle Association (NRA) in the United States was linked to Australia's far-right, highlighting the NRA's willingness to guide and advise a foreign political party to influence gun policy abroad.

Similarly, episode The "Active Listening Noises" Edition discusses the alleged unregistered work by U.S. congressmen on behalf of countries like Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Qatar, reflecting concerns about foreign influence over U.S. officials.

Other episodes, such as Wall Street Is Pulling HUGE Climate Scam On Latin America! w/Whitney Webb, examine how foreign entities are attempting to assert control over Latin American regions under the guise of environmental initiatives.

The episodes collectively illustrate the diverse ways in which foreign influence can manifest, from lobbying and political corruption to economic and environmental policies, and the potential threats it poses to democratic institutions and national sovereignty.

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