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Topic: Fox News

Fox News is a conservative cable news network that has been a major influence on the Republican Party and American politics for nearly three decades.

More on: Fox News

The podcast episodes provided focus on the role and influence of Fox News, particularly in the context of the 2024 U.S. presidential election and its relationship with former president Donald Trump.

Several episodes examine Fox News' potential to sway the election through its narratives and coverage, its evolving dynamics with Trump, and the network's role in spreading misinformation and partisan rhetoric. Examples include "Can Fox News Still Sway an Election?", "Is Fox News Still A Republican Kingmaker?", and #1549 Fox News is worse than we imagined or: they all knew they were lying".

The episodes also discuss specific controversies and legal issues surrounding Fox News, such as the Dominion Voting Systems defamation lawsuit, the departure of host Tucker Carlson, and the network's relationship with the Murdoch family.

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