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Topic: Franz Mesmer

Franz Mesmer was an 18th-century German physician who developed a controversial therapeutic practice known as 'mesmerism', which was an early form of hypnosis.

More on: Franz Mesmer

The podcast episodes provided discuss the history and significance of Franz Mesmer and his ideas around 'mesmerism', a precursor to modern hypnosis.

Mesmer believed that there was a 'magnetic fluid' that flowed through all living things, and that by manipulating this fluid, he could have beneficial effects on the human body. His methods involved using magnets and other techniques to induce a trance-like state in patients, which he claimed could treat a variety of ailments.

The podcast episodes examine whether Mesmer was a genuine healer or a charlatan, and explore the broader context of his ideas and their influence on later developments in fields like psychology, neuroscience, and the study of social contagions.

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