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Topic: Free will

The longstanding debate over whether humans truly possess free will, or if our actions are predetermined by physical laws and causal factors.

More on: Free will

The podcast episodes explore the topic of free will from various perspectives, including discussions of its compatibility with determinism, the implications for ethics and criminal justice, and its relation to spiritual beliefs and practices.

For example, episodes #360 - We Really Don't Have Free Will? and Dr. Robert Sapolsky: Science of Stress, Testosterone & Free Will feature neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky arguing against the existence of free will, while Everything Happens for a Reason (Part 1) discusses free will as a gift from God that allows for the possibility of suffering.

Other episodes, such as #261 - Philip Goff: Consciousness, Panpsychism, and the Philosophy of Mind and E63 - Donald Hoffman, Proof That Reality Is An ILLUSION: The Mystery Beyond Space-Time, explore the philosophical and scientific implications of free will in the context of consciousness and the nature of reality.

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