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Topic: Freedom in Christ

Freedom in Christ is the liberation from the guilt and shame of past sins, achieved through the power of Jesus' sacrifice and God's abundant grace.

More on: Freedom in Christ

The concept of "Freedom in Christ" is a central theme in the podcast episodes, emphasizing how we can overcome the guilt and shame of our past through the redemptive power of Jesus' sacrifice and God's unfailing grace.

In the episode S3 EP12. I Still Feel Guilty., the host Ally Yost shares her personal testimony on how she has found freedom from the guilt of her past, encouraging listeners to embrace the truth of the Gospel and let go of the burdens they have carried.

Similarly, in the episode Day 120: David Mourns Saul (2024), Fr. Mike Schmitz highlights how, through God's grace, we can move past the things that have hurt us and find the freedom to live fully in the present.

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