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Topic: Freedom of movement

Freedom of movement is a fundamental human right that is often restricted for Palestinians living under Israeli occupation.

More on: Freedom of movement

The podcast episodes explore how freedom of movement is a core human rights issue, with restrictions on Palestinian freedom of movement within the occupied territories and potential disruptions to freedom of movement between the UK and EU after Brexit being key recurring themes.

For example, the Democracy Now! episode discusses the oppressive reality for Palestinians under Israeli occupation, including the systematic discrimination faced by Abed Salama in trying to pass through checkpoints due to his ID status. The BBC investigation also highlights disparities in treatment of settlers and Palestinians and the resulting simmering tensions over land access and movement. Meanwhile, the Better Human Podcast episode delves into how Brexit could undermine human rights protections, including the freedom of movement between the UK and EU.

The Srsly Wrong episode takes a more philosophical and satirical approach, making an ethical case for radically open borders and tracing the racist origins of modern border control policies.

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