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Topic: Freud

Sigmund Freud was the pioneering psychoanalyst whose theories on the unconscious, dream interpretation, and the structure of the human psyche have had a profound impact on modern psychology and culture.

More on: Freud

The podcast episodes discuss Freud's pioneering work in psychoanalysis, particularly in relation to the writings of Janet Malcolm and the theories of Jacques Lacan.

The first episode "Impossible Professions: Freud and Janet Malcolm (ft. Patrick Blanchfield & Abby Kluchin)" analyzes Freud's 'Dora' case study through the lens of Malcolm's insights into the parallels and betrayals inherent in the professions of journalism and psychoanalysis.

The second episode "Learning About Lacan w/ Todd McGowan" explores how Lacanian concepts like desire, lack, and the unconscious can shed light on Freudian theory and its relevance for political analysis and leftist thought.

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