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Topic: Fusion Energy

Fusion energy is a promising clean energy technology that aims to replicate the nuclear fusion process powering the Sun, potentially providing a virtually limitless, carbon-free energy source.

More on: Fusion Energy

The podcast episodes provided discuss fusion energy as an emerging technology with significant potential to address global energy and environmental challenges.

In Episode 65496, the progress of the ITER fusion reactor project is explored, highlighting the complex magnet system and the challenges involved in developing fusion technology. Similarly, Episode 6721 mentions that Rigetti Computing is collaborating with the Department of Energy to use quantum computing to model and understand fusion reactions, which could have implications for advancing fusion energy.

Additionally, Episode 54883 specifically identifies fusion energy as one of the five immediate priorities of the Net Zero Game Changers initiative, reflecting the Biden administration's interest in exploring this technology as a means to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

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