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Topic: Galaxies

Galaxies are vast cosmic structures composed of stars, gas, and dust, each with its own distinct shape, size, and properties, and play a fundamental role in the structure and evolution of the universe.

More on: Galaxies

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of galaxies, from their formation and structure to the mysteries surrounding them.

For example, the episode Episode 37 - Tyranids pt 1 - What they are and where they come from discusses the concept of galaxies and the vast distances involved in the Tyranids' journey from outside the Milky Way galaxy.

The episode The Largest Known Things in the Universe covers individual galaxies like IC 1101 as well as collections of galaxies.

The episode Black Hole Theory Cosmology (WHAT ARE BLACK HOLES?!) Part 1 with Ronald Gamble, Jr. discusses the role of black holes in the formation and structure of galaxies, particularly the supermassive black holes found at the center of most galaxies.

The episode Odd Radio Circles Are glowing Around Some Galaxies. Now We Know Why focuses on the mysterious 'odd radio circles' detected around certain galaxies, revealing new insights into how galaxies evolve over billions of years.

Finally, the episode Something weird near the beginning of time examines the unexpected observation of mature, massive galaxies in the early universe, challenging existing models of galaxy formation.

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