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Topic: Gaza

Gaza, the besieged Palestinian territory, faces an ongoing humanitarian crisis and violent conflict between Israel and Hamas, with devastating impacts on civilian lives.

More on: Gaza

The podcast episodes provided focus extensively on the situation in the Gaza Strip, which has been the site of repeated military conflicts, blockades, and humanitarian crises since Hamas took control of the territory in 2007.

The episodes delve into the complex dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, examining the strategies and motivations of key actors like Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, the impact of Israeli military operations and air strikes on Gaza's civilian population, and the ongoing challenges of providing humanitarian aid and rebuilding infrastructure in the face of the blockade and cycles of violence.

Several episodes also explore the wider geopolitical implications of the conflict, including the role of the United States, regional powers like Iran, and international institutions like the United Nations, as well as the impact on Palestinian nationalism, academia, and student activism around the world.

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