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Topic: Gender and Misogyny

Gender and Misogyny refers to the systemic discrimination, prejudice, and bias against women in various aspects of society, including the workplace, entrepreneurship, and the entertainment industry.

More on: Gender and Misogyny

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of gender-based challenges and misogyny that women face, from the entrepreneurial and professional sphere to the realms of art, culture, and criminal justice.

In Episode 40170, Trevor Noah's interview with Jessica Alba delves into the misogyny and gender-based obstacles she encountered as a woman trying to start and lead a company. Similarly, the portrayal of gender issues and the objectification of women is a central theme in Episode 12213, which explores problematic myths from Greek and Roman mythology.

The most harrowing example is Episode 47911, which recounts the horrific gang rape of a disabled teenage girl by her male peers, and the community's disturbing response that reflects the ingrained misogyny and victim-blaming attitudes in our society.

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