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Topic: Gender Equality and Women's Rights

Gender Equality and Women's Rights encompasses the social, political, and economic equality and empowerment of women and girls, including the protection and advancement of their fundamental human rights.

More on: Gender Equality and Women's Rights

The topic of gender equality and women's rights is closely related to the podcast episodes provided, which discuss the gendered impacts of climate change on reproductive health and the role of the United Nations in advancing a feminist future.

The episode "How Climate Change Is Impacting Reproductive Health" highlights the importance of considering reproductive rights and the disproportionate effects of climate change on women, making gender equality a key consideration. Similarly, the episode "Can the UN deliver a feminist future?" examines the UN's history and potential in promoting gender equality and women's rights globally.

These episodes illustrate the interconnectedness of gender equality, women's rights, and critical global issues like climate change and the role of international institutions in addressing them.

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