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Topic: Generative art

Generative art refers to the use of algorithmic systems and artificial intelligence to create unique, dynamic artworks that transcend mere mimicry.

More on: Generative art

The podcast episodes provided delve into the topic of generative art, discussing its evolution, the potential for more expressive forms enabled by blockchain technology, and the current limitations and aesthetic trends within the generative art space.

For example, episode The Art of Technology, The Technology of Art explores how technology has changed art, including the emergence of generative AI art and NFTs. Episode 'Artificial Intelligence?' No, Collective Intelligence. examines how artists are collaborating with AI systems to create generative, non-derivative art. And episode Let's Get Digi-Physical: From 'Tap' Chips to Taylor Swift discusses the creation of dynamic, generative art pieces that change based on ownership.

These episodes provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of generative art and the ways in which it is being shaped by emerging technologies and creative approaches.

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