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Topic: Genetic Factors

Genetic factors play a significant role in influencing individual differences in physical traits, including susceptibility to various health conditions.

More on: Genetic Factors

The podcast episodes discuss how genetic factors can contribute to individual differences in the way people process and respond to food, particularly in the context of diets, obesity, and cholesterol levels.

For example, the episode ''What I eat in a day' videos and the new diet culture' touches on the role of genetic factors in influencing how individuals process food and the misconceptions surrounding body types and eating habits.

Similarly, the episode 'The Intelligence: Naan inflationary growth' highlights the role of genetics in contributing to obesity rates in India, particularly the South Asian phenotype's predisposition towards adiposity.

The episode 'S9 Ask Dr Hazel: Keto diets and cholesterol' also briefly discusses the role of genetics in individual responses to the ketogenic diet, particularly in the context of certain cholesterol disorders.

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