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Topic: German Politics

German politics is characterized by a diverse political landscape, with a growing influence of far-right parties and concerns over extremism and threats to democracy.

More on: German Politics

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of German politics, including the surge of far-right parties like the AfD (Alternative for Germany) in the European Parliament elections, the implications for the ruling coalition, and the ongoing discussions around potentially banning the AfD due to its radical views.

The episodes also touch on other related topics, such as the links between members of the AfD and former neo-Nazi networks, the challenges of addressing chronic absenteeism in schools, and the complexities of naming new car models.

Additionally, some episodes delve into the historical context of German politics, examining events like the Reichstag fire and the rise of Nazism, as well as the role of the East German secret police, the Stasi, in shaping the country's past.

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