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Topic: Global affairs

Global affairs encompasses the interconnected political, economic, social, and cultural dynamics that shape the world beyond national borders.

More on: Global affairs

The podcast episodes provided cover a diverse range of global affairs topics, including geopolitics, foreign policy, national security, and international relations.

For example, episode Munk Dialogue with Richard Haass: a crumbling world order provides an in-depth analysis of the current state of global affairs and the challenges facing the United States in maintaining its role as a world leader. Episode Revolutions, from 1600 to Trump (with Fareed Zakaria) explores the economic and cultural factors contributing to the rise of populism and the implications of recent global events.

Other episodes, such as China holds military drills around Taiwan and Crimes seen: The ICC chases Israel and Hamas, cover specific geopolitical tensions and international conflicts, highlighting the interconnectedness of events worldwide.

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