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Topic: Global challenges

Global challenges are complex, interconnected problems that span across national borders and require international cooperation to address effectively.

More on: Global challenges

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of global challenges, from threats to democracy and human rights to issues of climate change, public health, and technological disruption.

For example, the episode "Democracy requires disagreement. Here's how to do it better | Bret Stephens and Yordanos Eyoel" discusses the need for open debate and individual efforts to strengthen democracy in the face of global challenges. The episode "This Is Science Season 2: Science Boogaloo" emphasizes the role of science-based solutions in tackling complex global issues like climate change and food insecurity.

Other episodes, such as "The Intelligence: Dengue's grip on Latin America" and "Politics, Religion & Cancel Culture - Jimmy Carr", explore how global challenges like public health crises and geopolitical tensions intersect with technological change and social dynamics.

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