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Topic: Global governance

Global governance refers to the collective efforts of nations, international organizations, and civil society to address transnational issues that transcend individual countries, requiring coordinated and collaborative approaches.

More on: Global governance

The podcast episodes explore various aspects of global governance, including the need for inclusive and effective international regimes and institutions to address complex issues like climate change, technological development, and geopolitical tensions.

Several episodes, such as EU-US Forum: Exposing the Real Reason We Are Repeating Europe's Immigration Mistakes, The Sunday Story: Startups want to cool Earth by reflecting sunlight, and The US vs. itself - and other top global risks in 2024 | Ian Bremmer, discuss the challenges of global cooperation and the need for coordinated governance to prevent unilateral actions that could harm vulnerable regions or undermine international stability.

The episodes also explore the potential of new models of global collaboration and decision-making, such as the use of collective intelligence tools like ranked-choice voting and sortition, as discussed in The Tech We Need for 21st Century Democracy with Divya Siddarth.

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