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Topic: Global health

Global health encompasses the collective efforts to promote and protect the health and well-being of all people worldwide, addressing issues that transcend national boundaries and require coordinated international action.

More on: Global health

The podcast episodes provided cover a wide range of topics related to global health, including infectious disease outbreaks and response, vaccine development and distribution, health equity and access, pandemic preparedness, antimicrobial resistance, and the role of technology and innovation in addressing global health challenges.

Several episodes highlight significant global health developments, such as the discovery of the Ebola virus Ep. 37 | River of Blood, the launch of the world's first malaria vaccine program Hostage families storm Israeli parliament to demand relatives' return from Gaza, and the breakthrough in a highly effective malaria vaccine candidate Parasite, the Malaria (Tech & Science) Edition, Malaria Vaccine Breakthrough, Beyond the Buzz.

Other episodes discuss the impact of global health initiatives, such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's efforts in improving health outcomes How Bill Gates spends $9 billion a year - The TED Interview, Sunday Pick: How Bill Gates spends $9 billion a year, and the work of organizations like Noora Health and Medic Mobile in empowering community health workers and driving healthcare equity in developing countries Edith Elliott, Co-Founder & CEO of Noora Health, Episode 5: Johnson & Johnson Centre for Health Worker Innovation presents 'The Point of Care Around the World'.

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