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Topic: Government intervention

Government intervention refers to the actions taken by the state or public authorities to influence, regulate, or control various aspects of the economy and society.

More on: Government intervention

The podcast episodes discuss government intervention across a wide range of economic and social domains, including its impact on capitalism and markets, regulation of industries like e-cigarettes and water utilities, involvement in family planning and demographics, and the role of industrial policy and subsidies.

The episodes highlight both the potential benefits and drawbacks of government intervention, with some advocates arguing it is necessary to address market failures and support desired outcomes, while critics contend it stifles innovation, reduces productivity, and leads to unintended consequences.

Examples of specific episodes covering government intervention include How the Government Is Ruining Capitalism, How Juul created a market, fueled a crisis, and why regulators failed to stop it, and Profits over pipes: who should own our water?

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