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Topic: Government overreach

Government overreach refers to the excessive or unjustified exercise of power by government authorities, often infringing on individual rights and liberties.

More on: Government overreach

The podcast episodes discuss various examples of perceived government overreach, such as the abuse of surveillance powers, heavy-handed enforcement tactics, and the erosion of civil liberties.

Examples include the FBI's controversial raid on Mar-a-Lago The Bongino Brief - Nobody Else Thinks This Is Messed Up?, concerns about COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine mandates Listen Now: The Sage Steele Show | Adam Carolla, and allegations of the Biden administration targeting conservative groups like Moms for Liberty Joe Biden's DOJ Targets Conservative Moms.

The episodes also explore broader themes of government overreach, such as the increasing power of intelligence agencies and unelected bureaucracies #2138 - Tucker Carlson, as well as the potential for government censorship and the suppression of dissenting voices Government pressures tech behind the scenes, says former Facebook employee. It's called jawboning..

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