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Topic: Government oversight

Government oversight refers to the process of monitoring and regulating the actions of government agencies and officials to ensure accountability, transparency, and adherence to laws and regulations.

More on: Government oversight

The podcast episodes examine a range of issues related to government oversight, or the lack thereof, across various domains such as immigration detention, environmental regulation, technology policy, and national security.

Several episodes highlight instances where government agencies or officials have failed to provide adequate oversight, leading to human rights abuses, public health risks, and other harms. Examples include the lack of oversight at the Adelanto immigration detention facility 61430, the EPA's struggles to regulate the use of dispersants during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill 18303, and the NSA's mass surveillance program uncovered at the 33 Thomas Street building 33039.

Other episodes explore how government oversight can be undermined, such as through the deletion of text messages by a DHS Inspector General 9880, or the lack of parliamentary oversight in the UK's COVID-19 lockdown regulations 54161.

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