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Topic: Government surveillance

Government surveillance involves the systematic monitoring and collection of data on citizens by government agencies, often without their knowledge or consent.

More on: Government surveillance

The podcast episodes explored in this collection discuss various aspects of government surveillance, including historical and ongoing programs, their impact on civil liberties, and the complex legal and ethical issues involved.

For example, the episode It's not Islamophobic, it's anti-Palestinian examines the historical surveillance of Arab and Muslim American groups by the U.S. government, while The New American Surveillance State provides an in-depth look at the breadth and scope of government data collection efforts.

Other episodes, such as #2143 - Tulsi Gabbard and The Left Gets A Smackdown in Court (Ep. 2238), explore the political tensions and debates surrounding government surveillance powers, including the implications of laws like FISA.

The episodes also touch on related topics like data privacy, encryption, the role of technology companies, and the potential for abuse and overreach by government agencies.

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