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Topic: Grief and Acceptance

Grief and Acceptance is the process of acknowledging and coming to terms with the loss of idealized relationships or expectations, and finding ways to move forward and build a new normal.

More on: Grief and Acceptance

The topic of Grief and Acceptance is explored in the podcast episodes, as they delve into the various challenges individuals face when their relationships or life situations do not match their expectations.

In the episode "I Hit My Boyfriend and I'm So Ashamed", the guest discusses her struggle to resolve the root of her anger and come to terms with the breakdown of her idealized relationship. Similarly, in the episode "Sh*t Happens", the hosts discuss the grieving process associated with chronic illnesses and the importance of accepting one's new reality and finding the right support.

These episodes highlight the importance of acknowledging and processing grief, as well as the need for empathy, understanding, and finding ways to move forward and build a new normal when faced with unexpected life circumstances.

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