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Topic: Growth mindset

Growth mindset is the belief that abilities and traits can be developed through effort, learning, and persistence, rather than being fixed or innate.

More on: Growth mindset

The concept of 'growth mindset' is a central theme across the podcast episodes, which emphasize the importance of adopting a mindset oriented towards continuous learning, embracing challenges, and viewing failures as opportunities for improvement.

For example, in Episode 342: Work Anxiety and Feelings of Inadequacy at Work, the host Alexis Fernandez discusses the value of a growth mindset, focusing on effort rather than achievements, and welcoming feedback as a chance to get better.

Similarly, the episode The 3 Things Rich People Do That The 99% Don't Do | Tom Bilyeu (Replay) promotes the idea of a growth-oriented mindset as key to achieving success, while I CAN MAKE IT encourages listeners to view challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

Across the episodes, the growth mindset is presented as a crucial factor in personal and professional development, entrepreneurship, and overall well-being.

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