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Topic: Guerrilla warfare

Guerrilla warfare is a type of asymmetric warfare in which a small, mobile group of irregular soldiers use surprise and evasion tactics to attack a larger, conventional military force.

More on: Guerrilla warfare

The podcast episodes provided discuss various historical examples of guerrilla warfare, including the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, the Chinese Revolution and Civil War, and the Dornish resistance against the Targaryen conquest in the Game of Thrones universe.

In the episodes on the Israel-Hamas conflict, the use of guerrilla tactics like underground tunnels and blending into the civilian population by Hamas is a central topic Why Israel and Hamas Could Be Headed Into a Forever War and Hamas Agreed to a Ceasefire. Now What?.

The Revolutionary Left Radio episodes discuss the importance of guerrilla warfare in the success of Marxist revolutionary movements, with specific focus on the tactics employed by Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party Modern China Pt. 2: The Chinese Revolution & Civil War w/ Ken Hammond as well as Che Guevara's theories on guerrilla warfare Che Guevara: Revolutionary Hero (Life, Legacy, and Theory) and [BEST OF] In Defense of Che Guevara: Analyzing his Life and Answering his Critics.

The "Fire & Blood" episodes from the History of Westeros podcast examine the Dornish use of guerrilla warfare tactics like scorched earth, ambushes, and assassinations against the Targaryen forces during Aegon's Conquest First Blood (and Fire) (Fire & Blood VRR) and the First Dornish War Dorne Strikes Back (Fire & Blood VRR).

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