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Topic: Hacking

Hacking involves the unauthorized access, manipulation, or exploitation of computer systems, networks, or digital information, often for malicious purposes or personal gain.

More on: Hacking

The podcast episodes provided cover a wide range of hacking-related topics, from real-world hacking incidents and cybercrime to the portrayal of hacking in popular media.

Several episodes dive deep into the techniques, motivations, and cultural aspects of hacking, such as Hotline Hacked Vol. 3, The MGM Casino Hack w/ Mel Mitchell, and Rachel, which explores social engineering tactics used by hackers.

Other episodes, like Matinee Monday: Hackers, analyze the fictionalized and exaggerated representation of hacking in films, highlighting the disconnect between Hollywood portrayals and real-world hacking practices.

The episodes also touch on the broader implications of hacking, such as its impact on national security, personal privacy, and the ongoing battle between hackers and cybersecurity professionals.

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