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Topic: Healing Practices

Healing Practices encompass a range of techniques and approaches aimed at addressing emotional, psychological, and physical traumas to promote personal growth, resilience, and well-being.

More on: Healing Practices

The podcast episodes provided explore various healing practices, including somatic experiencing, grief processing, and inner child work, to help individuals overcome past traumas and cultivate more fulfilling relationships and a thriving mindset.

For example, episode 461: Healing Our Past To Create More Love Now discusses using honest sharing, reframing narratives, and nurturing joyful experiences to shift from a guarded 'survivor' mindset to an authentic, self-accepting state. Episode How To Regulate Your Nervous System For Stress, Anxiety, And Trauma outlines specific somatic practices from therapist Peter Levine to regulate the nervous system and heal trauma. And episode How To Cope with All the Climate Feels explores collective healing modalities like rituals, support groups, and embodied practices to process climate-related distress.

These podcast episodes demonstrate the diverse range of healing practices that can support individuals and communities in addressing deep-rooted issues, building resilience, and fostering more fulfilling lives.

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